The Best Personal Injury Law Firm for You
If you have been injured in an auto accident, contact David and Associates Attorneys at Law today. We will fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, contact David and Associates Attorneys at Law today. We will fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.
Construction workers in North Carolina perform job duties that involve a range of different types of physical hazards. The risk of injury in the construction industry is higher than in other industries due to the physical nature of the work and the materials that are involved. Here are some of the most common workplace injuries that impact construction workers every day: No.…
Machine and metal workers in North Carolina know that their work environments present a considerable amount of risk to them daily. This potential danger makes it necessary for these workers to remain alert and aware while in the workplace. A properly designed workplace and employees who understand safety protocol will do a lot to prevent the need for workers’ comp claims.…
Hotel staff members play an important role in Wilmington’s booming travel industry, but they face several risks as they go about their daily duties. It is up to each hotel to implement a safety plan that puts workers’ needs first. Relaying the protocol during training and again throughout the course of employment can help to ensure that everyone remains as…
People typically assume that working in an office setting is pretty safe. While it is true that these workers don’t have a lot of the same hazards as construction workers or others who have manual labor to handle, there are still some risks that office workers face that must be addressed. Even in an office, there is sometimes lifting that must be…
Manual labor takes a toll on the body. Workers in the construction industry, those who have a warehouse position, and individuals in similar positions are at risk of a back injury. Around 30% of construction workers suffer from an injury to the back or spine that requires them to miss work. To minimize the chance of construction workers and other laborers suffering…
The logging industry comes with several hazards for workers, but these can usually be minimized by the employers if they establish proper safety protocols. The rate of fatalities in this industry is 23 times higher than the rate for all workers in this country. The greatest hazards for them are falling objects and being caught in or between objects. These accounted for…
There are many hazards that construction workers face on a daily basis, including electrocution, which is one of the four most fatal types of accidents. People who work in the construction industry are approximately four times more likely to suffer an electrocution than those in other industries. While the percentage of workers who die from electrocutions is relatively low, there are still…
The fall harvest season is a busy one for those who work on farms. Even though there is so much to do, there is no reason for safety to fall on the back burner. By keeping it a top priority, everyone who is working to bring the crops in can go home safely at the end of the day. There…
Workers don’t expect that they are going to face sickness as an on-the-job injury, but it does happen. Some of the dangers might not even be readily obvious. In almost all cases, proper safety protocols can help prevent workers from suffering from occupational diseases but doing so requires the employer to understand what hazards are present for these workers. One…