More Than 136 Years of Combined Experience

Seeking Compensation For Dog Bite Injuries In Wilmington

Stories of people being bitten by dogs or attacked by other domestic animals make for good TV news fodder, but it is important to realize that real lives are being altered when animals attack.

At David & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, we know well the damage that a dog bite can inflict on an innocent pedestrian. Even in situations where the physical wounds heal, the psychological scars can last for a lifetime. If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, it is crucial to know your rights.

The first step is hiring a Wilmington dog bite attorney with the experience and resources to maximize your compensation.

At David & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, we are home to a team that combines more than 120 years of personal injury experience in southeastern North Carolina. Call 910-251-8088 today.

Do You Have a Case?

Not everyone who is bitten by a dog is eligible to receive personal injury compensation for medical costs, lost earnings, pain and suffering, and other damages. A dog owner in North Carolina is liable for damages if he or she knowingly violates the law that bars dogs from running at large. In other words, if an owner is negligent in failing to leash a dog, put up a fence, or otherwise control a dog, you are more likely to have a case.

How Much Is Your Case Worth?

This will depend on what you have lost as a result of the dog bite. We will work with experts such as medical doctors, psychologists, economists, and others to determine the full scope of your damages. Then, we will put our negotiation and trial skills to work to ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Having the right dog bite lawyer in Wilmington for your case can make all the difference. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your options. Call 910-251-8088. We have offices throughout southeastern North Carolina, including Wilmington.