More Than 136 Years of Combined Experience

Fighting For The Rights Of Factory Worker Injury Victims And Their Families

Manufacturing companies should have safety procedures and protective equipment in place to prevent injuries in their factories. Some are very good at meeting this responsibility; others are not. Regardless, accidents happen in factories and it is important to know your rights if you have been injured.

How will you pay your bills? What if you are unable to return to work? Our attorneys at David & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC can find the answers you need so you can focus on getting better. They have more than 136 years of workers’ compensation experience in southeastern North Carolina, representing injured workers in Wilmington, Jacksonville, and surrounding communities.

Contact our factory worker injury lawyers in Wilmington today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Pursuing Full Compensation for Factory Injuries

Depending on how you were injured and the cause, you may be able to secure personal injury compensation in addition to workers’ compensation benefits for your wage loss and medical costs. For example, if a defective machine resulted in your injuries, we could handle your workers’ compensation claim while pursuing a personal injury claim against the designer or manufacturer of the defective equipment.

We have experience handling a wide variety of injuries, including back injuries, shoulder injuries, knee injuries, repetitive stress injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, dismemberment, burns, and chemical exposure. Whether you have suffered a lifting injury or been struck by a falling object from a forklift, our focus will be on maximizing the resources you have to recover.

Put Our Experience On Your Side

Your employer’s insurance carrier has lawyers looking out for them. Our lawyers will look out for you. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more. Call 910-251-8088.