Receiving The Help You Are Owed When You Cannot Work
Most people do not work hard every day simply because they love the work they are doing. Although many people enjoy the work they do, the majority of Americans spend hours working to help ensure they receive the paychecks they need to financially support themselves and their families.
However, if a workplace accident is preventing you from working, you may be concerned about how you will receive the compensation you deserve to make ends meet. Thankfully, workers’ compensation laws in North Carolina allow injured workers to receive the financial support they need, and our lawyers help ensure individuals throughout Wilmington receive the wage loss compensation to which they’re entitled.
At David & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, we have 120 years of experience providing individuals with the aggressive legal counsel they need after workplace accidents, and we can help protect your rights.
You deserve quality representation. Contact our Wilmington wage loss compensation lawyers today to get started.
Understanding How Wage Loss Benefits Are Calculated
If you have a workers’ compensation claim and you’re unable to work, you’re entitled to benefits. But how much compensation are you entitled to receive? At a very basic level, wage loss benefits offer injured workers two-thirds of their average weekly wages. However, because there are different ways to calculate that sum, we argue for the method that benefits our clients the most.
Our attorneys also help ensure our clients receive any other compensation benefits they are owed, including wages from previous months or medical coverage.
Wilmington Work Comp Benefits Lawyers
When we meet with clients, we educate them about the timeline for receiving their benefits and what to expect at every step of the process.
If you are interested in learning more about the wage loss benefits you may be entitled to, schedule your free initial consultation. We can be reached online or by calling 910-208-0535.Hablamos español.