More Than 136 Years of Combined Experience

Get Help Finding Qualified Medical Care

After a workplace injury, finding qualified medical care is a priority. We can help. In addition to providing legal counsel, the team at David & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC is able to help injured employees find a doctor immediately after an accident.

We understand that finding a trustworthy physician can be difficult. You may not know what doctors are or aren’t in your network; you may be coerced into consulting with a doctor your employer recommends, who may not have your best interests at heart. This is why our workers’ comp lawyers in Wilmington work closely with a network of healthcare professionals, ensuring that our clients receive the immediate attention and care to which they’re entitled.

Don’t wait another minute – call us at 910-251-8088 today to begin with a free initial consultation.

Know Your Rights

In North Carolina, employers are permitted to require injured employees to submit to a medical examination conducted by a doctor of their (the employer’s) choice. Employees, however, have a right to solicit a second opinion. There are some restrictions on who may perform the second consultation; the attorneys at our firm can help you navigate the system and avoid costly mistakes.

Be wary. In their efforts to save money, employers and insurance companies alike will compel you to exclusively use a doctor who may be “employer-friendly” and underplay the seriousness of your injuries. This is why it is important to work with a knowledgeable lawyer, who can help protect your interests and your rights and facilitate the best path to recovery.

What We Do

Our workers’ comp firm in Wilmington will work hard to maximize your workers’ compensation. We seek financial restitution for hospital visits, doctors’ fees, ongoing medical care, lost wages, and all related considerations. With more than 120 years of combined experience, we have developed a reputation for effectiveness in achieving this aim.

To learn more, schedule an appointment. You can call our office at 910-251-8088 or reach us online. We have offices in Wilmington and throughout southeastern North Carolina. Initial consultations are always free.